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Writer's pictureMelanie DiLeo

Out of Every Trial Comes a Lesson

I hate to shovel, well...

I used to...

Until God taught me a lesson.

There were a couple of storms here a few weeks ago.

As I have some arthritis in my back, I needed to hire a contractor to shovel. In short, he only finished half the job after the first storm. So, out I trudged to deal with his half-finished job, feeling disgusted. After having shoveled what was many inches of snow which had nearly hardened to ice, I was exhausted and dismayed. My mood was less than that of a Christian Conqueror.

Along comes the next storm. That day, I contacted the shoveler, he told me he had texted me the day prior to say he couldn't make it, but he could provide me the phone number of another contractor who might be able to help me. I told him not to bother. Feeling indignant, I bundled myself up once again and headed out to shovel.

Little did I know that God had some revelations in store for me that day. Let me start by saying that prior to this latest experience, the sight of snowfall provoked in me some anxiety. I'm not sure why. Anyways, as I began to shovel, I decided to sing a spiritual song to encourage myself. The name of it is "God Can". As I sang, my burden lifted. I felt immediately stronger, and at peace. I took a good look at the snowfall and thought to myself, it's beautiful out here. I also thanked God for granting me the strength to shovel so much snow. Lastly, I thought how this trivial task paled in comparison with the trials of most of Christ's followers (And my own much larger trials). It was laughable, the size of this "challenge". I considered the serious problems of others living in the world; hunger, loss of loved ones and war. I was incredibly ungrateful for considering this particular "burden" to be so great. I also felt shame for limiting the idea of God's ability to graciously help me.

Our God is a God of ultimate strength, and he always shows up to help us. Trials are sent to teach us, develop our strength, resilience, and patience. They are learning experiences. We need to view them in this light. What did I learn through mine? To not limit God's ability to care for me, to strengthen me, and help me grow through perseverance. He will also guide you through your own trials. Trust him. You will come out of them stronger. God Bless.

2 Timothy 1:7 KJV

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

-Melanie DiLeo

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2 comentarios

10 feb 2024

lol. No better humbler then God but he does it with love. Been there & done that. It gets easier especially when you listen to him. I’ve found that I’ve thanked him a lot more lately than I had in the past. We take so much for granted. God is bigger than any storm. God bless

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Melanie DiLeo
Melanie DiLeo
16 feb 2024
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Amen. God is the Author and Finisher of our Faith. All glory to Him. We do take much for granted. Sorry my response is late. God bless you mightily.


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