A while back, I read a quote in a magazine attributed to Sally Field. Now, ordinarily I don’t pay much heed to celebrity opinions, but this one stuck with me. In the article, Sally told the interviewer that she cleaned her own toilet. She explained that she did it as a way of reminding herself that she was no better than anyone else. Although a star, she humbled herself by this action.
I don’t know if Sally is a Christian. However, she is in clear agreement with God regarding the virtue of humility. An attitude of humility needs to be embraced by a Christian. We shouldn’t value ourselves over others. Titles, Incomes and Physical Appearance are of the world and should mean nothing to us.
Jesus, although of God, was a very humble man born in a manger. As an Adult, he identified himself as Son of God, but did so in a very matter-of-fact way, devoid of any arrogancy. Christ was so humble that he acted as servant to his disciples. He lovingly washed and dried their feet. His teaching regarding this action stressed that to serve was better than to be served.
Jesus Christ was no regarder of person. He sat with Sinners, breaking bread with them. He counted them as worthy of his company before they even earned it. However, he sharply condemned the elite of his day, those known as Sadducees and Pharisees. In fact, he basically called them out as filth:
Matthew 23:27 KJV
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead man’s bones, and of all uncleanness.
Speaking of filth, let’s get back to the subject of cleaning of our toilets (I just did mine). Scrub it good and don’t forget to thank God that you have hands with which to clean it, and water with which to flush it.
And speaking of flushing, take pride and put it where it belongs…down the drain.
-Melanie DiLeo